The address: 1118000 The Tashkent district, area Zangiatinsky, settlement of city type Eshonguzar, N. Hodjibaeva st. 1a
The administrative case (3 floors) 1 100м2
The industrial case 2 600 м2
Warehouses 900 м2
Auxiliary premise 800 м2
Canopies 1 100 м2
In total 3272.83 м2
Engineering communications:
Independent substation with transformer TM-630/6/04 кw
Independent boiler-house on natural gas (a boiler of type ELGA)
Independent source of compressed air
Independent source of cold water supply (chink)
The centralized water supply and the water drain City and local telecommunication

1) the Office building
2) the Boiler-house
3) the Industrial case
4) the Canopy
5) the Canopy
6) Protection
