The beginning of development of "Obi Hayot" Association took in 1941, in those days in the territory of the Republic of Uzbekistan there were not special construction enterprises. With a goals of mastering and water suppling of steppe pastures, in conformity with the Resolution of National Commissioners Council of the USSR № 1397 " Arrangements on development and improvement astrakhan sheep breeding in collective farms of Uzbek USSR ", on 12th of June, 1945 was created the pasture-meliorative trust.
In 1950 with a goals of water suppling the pasturable trust for the first time spent works on drilling, and with it enterprise was assignmed to design and construct drinking water supply in villages.
In 1951 the Republican pasture-meliorative trust was reorganized into the Republican pasture -meliorative - building trust, that was attached to the Ministry of Agriculture of Uzbek SSR.
In 1957 the trust was transferred to the Ministry of Water Industry of Uz SSR. For those years the industrial base of the trust was also engaged in construction and reconstruction, construction of inhabited objects and repair branches.
In the further service of operation was organized in the trust, improvement and water supply of pastures and their operation, water delivery of an agriculture and vertical drainage drilling.
The problem of improvement of drinking water supply of agricultural population of the Republic had existed for long time. Especially this problem was aggravated in 1964, because of wide use of pesticides and chemical additives in agriculture. Poisonous chemicals polluted the basic channel of water supply of agricultural population - the aryks.
By order of the government of Uzbekistan, on the basis of four resolutions, the trust was entrusted to design and build constructions of water supply in a countryside.
In 1964 all the building enterprises of the trust incorporated chisel expeditions and parties. In regions the enterprises conducted works in great volume on drinking water supply of the population of collective farms and state farms.
Construction managements of Samarkand, Bukhara and Surhandarya; chisel expeditions at farms of Fergana, Mirzachulya, Karakalpakstan and Mingbulak; the Mobile Mechanized Columns in Andizhan, Surkhandariya, Tashkent, Khoresm and Namangan MMC had been organized since 1965 in Mirzachule was reorganized into Surkhandare MMC - management.
The management of industrial-technological complete sets was formed in Tashkent. These divisions were strengthened with technics, motor transport and by leading experts on the basis of the decree of the former Union « Measures on development of building of water constructions in kishlaks»
In 1969 on the basis of design-competitor expedition of the trust the special department of water supply "Uzgiproselstroi" was created, later in 1971 it was transformed into the project institute "Uzgiproselhozvodosnabjenie".
in May, 1972 the trust was reorganized into the Republican pasture – melioration-building association. Project institute "Uzgiproselhozvodosnabjenie" and MMC were organized in the association MMC in 11 regions. Later Syrdarya, Khorezm, Kazachenko-Lensk, Fergana, Tamdin, Kushrabat MMC were formed.
Beginning from1990 in connection with conducted economical reforms in Uzbekistan, the organization of Obi Hayot was reorganized into the design-building Republican Association, in 1994 it was reorganised in the Joint-stock Investment Company. And since 2004 it was reorganised in Association of Obi Hayot with functions on coordination, management and carrying out of technical politics of regional firms concerning improvement of maintenance of rural areas by water, the water drain, sewage treatment and irrigation of pastures.
In conformity with Resolutions of the Cabinet of Ministers of Republic of Uzbekistan № 275 from August, 4th, 1990 « About improvement of maintenance of the country people of the Republic of Uzbekistan by potable water and natural gas in 1990-93». № 182 from 21.05.96 « About the program of development of village a social infrastructure of the Republic of Uzbekistan for the period till 2000 », № 278 from 01.06.99 « About measures on the further improvement of maintenance of villages by potable water and natural gas. "Obi Haoyt" Association has implemented more than 10 000 km of water supply systems for villages for the expired 17 years of independence. In a pasturable zone of Uzbekistan operation and service of more than 3 000 km of water systems are carried out . Active work on attraction of foreign investments into sector of drinking water supply and the water drain, including on realization of the Resolution of the Cabinet of Ministers of R.Uz are conducted. № 243 from 08.06.98 «About measures on realization of the project of drinking water supply of country people of Aral Sea area which is financed by the German bank of development KfW ».
For realization of the above-stated governmental orders consulting, investment and other activity with the purpose of attraction of foreign investments and the newest technologies are carried out together with: ESCAP (U.N.O., Bangkok), the banks of development KfW (Germany), SOCIETE GENERALE, SG (France), EXPORT DEVELOPMENT BANK OF IRAN (Iran), АО SIEMENS, WABAG, SACHSEN WASSER, GITEC CONSULT, AHT, DUSSELDORF CONSULT (Germany), MITSUBISHI CORPORATION, KANEMATSU CORPORATION, TONE CORPORATION (Japan), АВВ BINNIE& PARTNERS (Great Britain), INTERSIGMA INDUSTRIAL (the Crech Republic), SIMA (Slovakia), EAST WATER, PROVINCIAL WATERWORKS AUTHORITY OF THAILAND (Thailand), GEMCO (Holland), SHIMBAR Co (Iran), CHINA GEOENGINERING CORPORATION (China), AGUYAMIN ESPANAS.L.(Spain) and efc.